Tagged: feminism

Pretty Woman Rescrewed:

                   In A Certain Tendency of the Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1950, film scholar Robert B. Ray argued that mainstream American film often addresses one or another social ill by reducing it to a personal problem. The impact of  racism, anti-semitism, et cetera on one or a few individuals is portrayed, then a […]

‘Mike’ Taps Into a Complex Subculture

Taking it off, taking it all off, whether for eros, profit, art, or any combination thereof might just be the world’s fourth oldest profession. Throughout history in song and story, it’s usually an infernal female who works her wiles upon some hapless male, by shedding her duds. To the West, Salome is arguably the most famous belly […]

Re-Screwed: Pretty Woman’s Co-opted Feminism

Robert B. Ray argues that mainstream American cinema has often death with a serious social ill by reducing it to a personal matter. The impact of racism or anti-Semitism upon a few individuals is portrayed, then a tidy reconciliation is served up involved a convenient change of heart or show of good will. Unwary viewers […]